Mrs. Rupert’s Class
Contact Information- If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at [email protected] anytime. I will respond as soon as possible. You may also call the classroom number at (509) 565-3619 , before or after school. However, the phones do not ring into the classrooms during school hours without going through the office first. If your child has a change of plans during the day, please call the office at (509) 565-3600, and they will relay the message to me. We will not accept changes to pick up or drop off via parent square.
Drop off procedures -. Please have your child here between 9:05 and 9:10 (3 year old preschool) or 12:45 and 12:50 (4 year old pre-k). The teacher will be at the preschool doors to meet you and to walk your child in.
Pick up procedures - Pick up time will be 11:50 (3 year old preschool) and 3:25(4 year old pre-k). Please wait outside the preschool doors and we will walk your child out. We will be teaching the students that they must come out and sit on the bench first and then give us an elbow bump or a high five before they will be released to go to the person picking them up. We will not release your child until we clearly see that you are here. If someone else will be picking up your child, please make sure they are included on the list of eligible people who are allowed to pick up your child in the front office. Thank you!
Morning preschool times - 9:15 to 11:50
Afternoon preschool times - 12:50 to 3:25
We will follow the regular school calendar for holidays and days off.
Supply List:
1) Everyone please bring a notebook size backpack because each student will be given a folder that will be taken back and forth from school to home daily. Please check this every day. This will be where we send home your child’s work and important information and how you can send any important papers back. Thank you!
2) Please send a change of clothing to keep at school in case of spills or accidents. Please put clothing in a labeled gallon sized ziploc bag and permanently label their backpacks, coats, sweaters, boots, gloves, etc. It is very difficult for us to remember every child’s backpack and clothing items and many times they can’t identify their items for us either. Having all of their belongings labeled will really help us with getting the correct items home with the right children. Thank you!
3) 1 box of tissues
4) 1 package of Clorox wipes
5) 1 package of baby wipes
Snack Time - Each day we will have one whole class snack. This gives us a perfect time to reinforce concepts, communication and social/behavior skills! Teachers will be the only ones who will be handling the snacks/drinks, and we will be wearing gloves anytime we are giving the students their snacks/drinks. If you would like to provide a snack item for the whole class to share at some point during the year, we will very much appreciate your generosity. Please send your child with a water bottle that can travel to a from school! Thank you!
Snack Suggestions: Goldfish crackers, pretzels, fruit snacks, teddy grahams, cereal, veggie straws, popcorn, raisins, dried fruit (fruit strips), squeezable apple-sauce, etc. Please do not send peanut or tree nut products for snack.
Items from home - It is school policy for children to leave personal toys at home.
Absences - If your child will not be attending school, please call the Absence Report Line at 509-565-3698 to report his/her absence.
Progress Reports - Three progress reports will be sent home during the course of the year: November, March and June.
We will have two adults in the classroom at all times. I am very fortunate to have a wonderful teaching assistant working with me this year. Her name is Jessica Jacobs, but the kids call her Mrs. Jacobs . This will be the start of her second year of working on the preschool team here at Michael Anderson, and I am so excited that she is in my classroom this year! We also have a Speech/Language Pathologist ( Mrs. Tori) and her assistant ( Ms. Oksana) and certified occupational therapist (Ms. Michelle) and a physical therapist ( Mrs. Wallace) who are part of our wonderful preschool team and will be in the classroom at times during the week.
I am looking forward to a fantastic year!
Mrs. Rupert & Mrs. Jacobs 🍎